Wednesday, September 11, 2013

When life changes...

     As a pastor with over thirty years experience I  have experienced many changes in moving , both good and bad. Recently, we moved to a new church and as a result of the move I had to take a fifteen thousand dollar cut in salary.When this happened it felt like a kick in the gut.  I felt angry and disappointed at the same time. I had difficulty trying to make sense of why this had happened to me.In many ways this move has felt punitive considering that my denominational supervisor did not have much to say about it nor did she show any concern or empathy about such a large cut in income. The congregation has also seemed  disconnected from me and my family, content to feel that everything is alright. In reflecting about the situation I keep asking myself , "What am I doing here?" In some ways this new church feels like a bad date in high school, I keep asking my self when will it end and how can I get out of this mess.
     I have a good friend whom I knew while serving in  U.S. Army during the 1980's .  He shared with me that in his denomination many
of the pastors were forced to take pay cuts  because the churches simply could not afford higher salaries and  membership was in decline. He believes that all the major denominations in the United States will be effected by an aging populations and the decline in people who join and attend churches. While no one wants to take a pay cut , it is a sign that our churches have reached a tipping point in regard to clergy support and declining attendance.
     For me it is annoying to know that it is not a shared or joint sacrifice with in our church system.While many of our pastors are having salaries cut, I have not seen  cuts at the general church level. What bothers me  is that pastors have limited options. We are not allowed to take on another job or seek ways to make up for lost income. If our spouses can't work then many are left feeling powerless and frustrated.
      I believe the best option for many pastors is and will be a  return to bi-vocational ministry. Please reference my article," Pastoral crisis or opportunity?"
      I know that this article may be seen by some as bitterness for having to take a cut in salary and perhaps some of that is true.Who Wouldn't!  I continue to struggle with my thoughts and wonder if there was something I could have done to prevent this situation. So far I have not come to an acceptable understanding.
     The forgotten truth in all of this is that many of our churches are declining and that without some kind of option or gateway to allow  bi-vocation ministry , clergy and the churches will suffer.
      While writing this article I am also keenly aware of the fact that laity have been dealing with this very same issue. May God in his mercy lead us to a place of understanding and release in order that we may find common ground and renewal .