Last week I attended a clergy meeting within our district. We were able to say goodbye to a number of clergy members who were leaving the district in June heading for another church and district. While we held the meeting our district superintendent shared information that clergy in North Carolina had a higher rate of heart attacks and diabetes than the general population. I had to ask myself the question, Why? Perhaps it was the chronic stress that clergy deal with daily, or the fact that most clergy have unhealthy lifestyles. By unhealthy lifestyles I mean that clergy often eat on the run (fast food ), do not take time for daily exercise, and spend long hours in meetings and church functions. This limits the time needed for clergy to keep close relationship's with family and friends. This often leaves clergy feeling guilty for trying to develop healthy relationships and lifestyles.
One issues remains true, clergy need to develop and live before their congregations what it means to live healthy in mind, body and spirit. For too long clergy have been seen as semi-Divine not needing rest or taking time to develop better relationships. I believe the answer lies in finding a balance in what we do and who we are. Also learning to be happy with what we do and who we are as a human beings. Are you happy? Most of us are not, we simply put up with situations we do not like, waiting for a time when we can retire or do something else. We delay our happiness and our well being hoping for a future which may never come. Please don't delay your happiness which you deserve now, instead find enjoyment and joy in living each day even if you don't do some ministerial task or function. It's alright to just sit and enjoy the sound of birds , or to go for a walk just because you want to. Remember God's grace and love are for clergy as well as laypersons. May it be said of all clergy that we took time for the important things of life (love,kindness,family and God) and that we also served as a minister. Live, love, laugh often and nurture a heart of kindness. Thank you God for our lives.
One issues remains true, clergy need to develop and live before their congregations what it means to live healthy in mind, body and spirit. For too long clergy have been seen as semi-Divine not needing rest or taking time to develop better relationships. I believe the answer lies in finding a balance in what we do and who we are. Also learning to be happy with what we do and who we are as a human beings. Are you happy? Most of us are not, we simply put up with situations we do not like, waiting for a time when we can retire or do something else. We delay our happiness and our well being hoping for a future which may never come. Please don't delay your happiness which you deserve now, instead find enjoyment and joy in living each day even if you don't do some ministerial task or function. It's alright to just sit and enjoy the sound of birds , or to go for a walk just because you want to. Remember God's grace and love are for clergy as well as laypersons. May it be said of all clergy that we took time for the important things of life (love,kindness,family and God) and that we also served as a minister. Live, love, laugh often and nurture a heart of kindness. Thank you God for our lives.